
Data Point

Planter sensor detects changes in pH, EC and OM indicating Bertrand silt loam as new soil type.


Adjusting variable rate prescription, switching
to hybrid 2 at 33,000 seeds per acre in zone 1
to optimize yield in Bertrand silt loam.


Data Point

Bottom Field: Yield currently measuring
at 204 bu/ac. Grain moisture is at 17%.
Soil fertility data being collected.


Script creation in process: Suggest planting
Hybrid #1 at 36,000 population next season
and split apply Nitrogen. Variable-rate fertility
script for following year built.

Fertilizer Applicator

Data Point

Equipment nitrate sensors indicate
higher-than-expected nitrate levels remaining
in zone 1 from fall application. Decreasing variable
rate nitrogen prescription in zone 1 now.


Decreasing spring variable rate nitrogen application in
zone 1 from 40 lbs to 20 lbs, keeping nitrogen application levels at 40 lbs in zones 2, and 60 lbs in zone 3. 20 lbs of
N were saved in zone 1 without limiting yield potential.

Corn Plot: Rain
Gauge/Weather Station

Data Point

Soil moisture is high, temperature
is 75 degrees and humidity
predicted to be high.


Pathogen infestation risk is high. To prevent yield loss, suggest applying fungicide in next 2 days compared to next 7 days as was done last season.

In-field Soil Sensor

Data Point

Alert: West 40 Field soil sensor indicates soil moisture levels high. Nitrate levels have dropped in last 7 days.


Field is at risk for leaching, which could lead to yield loss. Data sent to nitrogen modeling tool. Monitor closely, possible mid-season fertilizer application needed.


Data Point

Today’s image: Pop’s Acres Field


Drone en route to provide enhanced imagery
to further assess variability.

Grain Bin

Data Point

Sensors detected spoilage levels
nearing economic threshold.


Grain at risk for significant dockage at elevator.
Dockage threshold could range from
$.05 per bushel to rejection of entire load.

Irrigation Pivot

Data Point

Pivot sensors recognized field moisture in Zone 1-2
(silt loam soil) are at 100%, Zone 3 (sandy soil) is at 60%.


Zones 1-2 at field capacity, Pivot turned these nozzles
off and irrigates Zone 3 to field capacity.

Summer Growing Drone

Data Point

Gray Leaf Spot detected in Well Field,
Zone 12, on susceptible hybrid.


Suggest spraying fungicide only on Zone 12 in next
48 hours as this is where susceptible hybrid was planted.